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Collagen Induction Injections

Facial Rejuv Plus™

Collagen induction injections is an avant-garde procedure that enhances and complements all anti-aging skin care regimens. Special injections made with your own blood are used and are better than microneedling.

Uniquely, Facial Rejuv Plus™ is safe in all Fitzpatrick skin types. Collagen induction therapy brings back the youthful elasticity, and skin thickness that is lost through the aging process. Collagen induction injections have been shown to have effects that continue for months after initial treatment making it a unique and integrative skin health treatment plan.

Our patients enjoy this treatment as it does not involve prescription pharmaceuticals and is a naturally made treatment unique to your genetic blueprint and cellular biology.

Dr. Jutai will prepare your growth factor rich microinjections that treat the skin's top layer to beneath the deepest layer of skin where the natural  pluripotent cells exist. Growth factors stimulate the cellular functions that are said to be implicated in the "anti-aging" process. It restores skin texture, quality and glow. Overall, it counteracts the natural deterioration of the skin and the soft tissue below the skin.

In consultation, Dr. Jutai will determine if this is the right procedure and if you are a candidate the frequency will be discussed according to your regenerative aesthetic goals. 

Our patients love that they can do seasonal "anti-aging" top up at anytime and target specific skin areas along with no downtime. 

Dr. Jutai having researched and clinically developed her approach over 7 years, welcomes you to the future of regenerative aesthetics.

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Collagen Induction injections. Rejuvenation dermatology. Skin rejuvenation. Facial rejuvenation.


Collagen Induction injections      Collagen production

Rejuvenation dermatology           

Increase skin thickness                  

Smooth appearance of fine lines & wrinkles 

Texture issues                                  Blemishes

Skin rejuvenation                             

Acne scars                                       

Signs of skin-aging                         Seasonal skin maintenance 

Areas treated
All skin areas affected & needing collagen induction

Face                        Neck                     Hands

Above upper eyelid 

Décolleté area                              

Around mouth and on the lips.           

Brow area


No down time and results may last over 12 months.

Treatment Time

30-60 minutes

Expected Results

Changes begin immediately and continue for months


Ask us about enzyme facials.
